With 30 years of experience in Europe, South Africa and Australia, TOKENS has evolved from Naval Architecture into Consultancy, Design and Project Management in the construction industry.
For over a decade TOKENS was the operator of the furniture retail store 'Tokens Of Living" on Sydney's Northern Beaches; a distributor and importer for furniture and homewares, Tokens of Living also designed and manufactured bespoke furniture.

NSW Telco Authority
The Critical Communications Enhancement Program (CCEP) is building one of the largest public safety radio networks of its kind in the world.
The NSW Government is investing $1.4 billion to expand and enhance the Public Safety Network (PSN).
This Critical Communications Enhancement Program (CCEP) will:
provide a single network for emergency services to communicate with each other
coordinate responses to critical incidents and disasters.
NSW Telco is in the discovery phase for potential implementation of digital engineering solutions that enhance it's benefits for infrastructure management across the life-cycle.
Digital Engineering uses digital technologies like Building Information Modelling (BiM), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), digital twins, internet of things, artificial intelligence and augmented reality, to derive better business, project and asset management outcomes.
Digital engineering also enables collaborative ways of working by using digital processes for more productive methods of planning, designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining assets through a life-cycle approach.
The adoption and implementation of digital engineering for NSW Telco is in alignment with the 'NSW Roadmap for digitalising planning, design, construction and operation of infrastructure' published in November 2022, as endorsed by former Min Dominello and Min Stokes. And in alignment with other NSW infrastructure agencies like Transport for NSW, Schools infrastructure, NSW Health and Sydney Water.
Tokens Consultancy is leading this discovery project for NSW Telco

Our back ground in Naval Architecture allowed us to gain extensive knowledge and experience in craftsmanship, quality, materials and building techniques as well as a thorough understanding of the design- and building process; understanding that good design leads to better performing living spaces and a more efficient building process.
We have worked in 3D design environments for 30 years and use 3D modelling from the initial concept stage throughout the design process. 3D is a must for the client to visualise the design from an early stage. It also prevent nasty (structural) surprises in the actual building process and allows the buider to prefab.
We value the use of natural materials like stone and timber, simple because we, as people are made from the same dna. We positively respond to these materials. We feel them. Adding to that, natural materials are also easy to recycle and part of our sustainability policy.
Our designs follow the usual process:
Client’s list of requirements
Concept Design
Development application
Detailed design (including list or materials & finishes).
Set of tender documentation
Overseeing construction
Please give us a call and we will be more than happy to discuss your project.

Our back ground in Naval Architecture allowed us to gain extensive knowledge and experience in craftsmanship, quality, materials and building techniques as well as a thorough understanding of the design- and building process; understanding that good design leads to better performing living spaces and a more efficient building process.
We have worked in 3D design environments for 30 years and use 3D modelling from the initial concept stage throughout the design process. 3D is a must for the client to visualise the design from an early stage. It also prevent nasty (structural) surprises in the actual building process and allows the buider to prefab.
We value the use of natural materials like stone and timber, simple because we, as people are made from the same dna. We positively respond to these materials. We feel them. Adding to that, natural materials are also easy to recycle and part of our sustainability policy.
Our designs follow the usual process:
Client’s list of requirements
Concept Design
Development application
Detailed design (including list or materials & finishes).
Set of tender documentation
Overseeing construction
Please give us a call and we will be more than happy to discuss your project.